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GBG Horeca: C/ Tramuntana, 10 | 46716 Rafelcofer | Valencia - Spain
+34 96 280 11 12

All equipment maded by GBG are conform to the CE mark that proves that our products has been asse ssed and meets EU sa fety, health and environmental protection requirements.

All equipment maded by GBG are conform to the Quality Managament System, on ISO 9001:2015 standard.

When required by the mar ket, GBG -equip mente have been decla red compliant to US and Canada Electri cal and Food Sa fety- Stan dards by E. T.L.

When required by the mar ket, GBG equip mente have been decla red compliant to -US and Canada Electri cal and Food Sa fety Stan dards by U.L.